Jumat, 15 Juli 2016

Contoh Curriculum Vitae Sederhana

Curriculum Vitae

Data Pribadi
Nama                                                   : Rahman Efendi
Nama Panggilan                                  : Fendy
Tempat, Tanggal lahir                         : Bulukumba, 17 Februari 1993;
Agama                                                 : Islam;
Alamat                                                            : Bulukumba, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia;
Nomer telepon                                                : +6285240217099
Email                                                   re.17293@gmail.com

Riwayat Pendidikan
Pendidikan Formal:
ü   2012 sampai sekarang           : STKIP Muhammadiyah Bulukumba
ü   2008 sampai dengan 2011    : SMA Negeri 1 Bantaeng;
ü   2005 sampai dengan 2008    : SMP Negeri 1 Bissappu;
ü   1999 sampai dengan 2005    : SD Negeri 23 Pare-Pare;

Pendidikan Non Formal:
2012    : Kursus Bahasa Inggris di British English School Branch Bulukumba.

Pengalaman Organisasi
·         2016 sampai sekarang             :Ketua UKM-Sinematografi SMB STKIP Muhammadiyah Bulukumba
·         2016 sampai sekarang             : Anggota Komunitas TDA (Tangan Di Atas)
·         2013 sampai dengan 2014      : Ketua ThePrescom Bulukumba
·         2014 sampai dengan 2015      : Ketua di Bidang SBO IMM Bulukumba
·         Ditetapkan sebagai fasilitator Bulukumba sejak tahun 2013 oleh BKKBN Sul-Sel
Keahlian Tambahan
Ø  Keahlian Komputer ( MS Word, Prezi, Ms Powerpoint )
Ø  Mampu Berbahasa Inggris
Ø  MC Formal ( Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia)
Ø  Public Speaking (Marketing)




Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of
Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Muhammadiyah Bulukumba

2012 3104 126




This part deals with the background, problem statement, objective of the research, significanse of the research, scope of the research, and defenition of terms.
A.  Background
                Language is the ability to acquire and use complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so, and a language is any specific example of such a system. Language plays a great part in human life, without language people can not make interaction each other.  In our life, the function of language is a tool of communication to relate to one and another. By the study of language people or students can learn many things.There are many students who have learn English for many years since they are in elementary school, but most of them still cannot understand English well. Particularly the four basic language skills, like that reading, speaking, writing, and listening.
            Actually, those skills cannot be separated, because they are related at each other. But in this study, the researcher focuses in writing skill. It is based on observation at SMA Negeri 8 Bulukumba, at the tenth grade students. After the researcher compared with other skills of English and it is found that many students are still poor in writing.
Rounded Rectangle: 1Writing as one of the English skills is a way to communicate with other people although in written form. In teaching English, especially teaching writing, students can describe their ideas, feeling, and experience in writing. But not all students can write well. When they are writing, they face some difficulties. They do not master vocabulary, grammar, and how to use appropriate word. In addition, method/technique or media of the teacher does not make students interested to learn and make them get bored. The teacher should create comfortable learning situation to overcome the problems of the students, can help or motivate the students in order to express their ideas into writing. In short, being a teacher must be a more creative and innovative in teaching English and need great effort to do it.
There are many visual aids that can be used to help the students write easily and correctly. They can help the students in organizing the ideas and lessen their difficulty in writing activity. In this case, the writer is interested in doing a research to overcome these problems by applying animation movies as a media in teaching writing. The researcher believes that the use of animation movies as a media is a good in conducting writing activity. By conducting a classroom action research that implements animation movies in writing class, it is expected for the teacher to be able to improve the students writing skill. Harmer (2001: 282) defines animation movie is series of images that are projected into a screen to create the illusion of motion in form of animation. It is also the story, incident and, etc recorded as a set of moving pictures to be shown on television or the cinema. In addition, Lorimor (1995: 506) states that films can record culture, and they can treat social or political issues and other aspect of societies to see aspect of the world that are difficult or impossible to observe with naked eyes.
Animation movie is chosen because it has many advantages to apply in teaching writing for students in grade 1 -12. It can be applied for the narrative,  descriptive, expository, report, persuasive forms of writing and etc.
Animation movies combine entertainment with instruction that makes the learning process more enjoyable. Students will be success in learning if they enjoy the process. Animation movie can make them more fun in learning English. The series of event on animation movie make students easier to memorize. The actors, setting, and plot in it will help them to give ideas on writing easily. Students will get the real example of past tense utterance used by participants on movie, so they can create and arrange into the paragraph of narrative text easier with the correct grammar, spelling, conjunction and diversity of vocabularies.
The writer will explore a genre in writing, that is, narrative, because narrative is interesting for students. Narrative tells about something imaginative so it will be quite relevant to students‟ world and make them easily to comprehend and produce a text. It also tells us about the story and experience that can make the students enjoy the class. So it will be quite easy to them producing the simple text. They can share their idea, opinion and their own experience, like writing in a diary.
According Charles et al (1985: 129), he had an opinion: narrative text is very suitable for the students in writing class because they can easily express their own idea drawn from their surrounding in their narrative writing. By using narrative text as a genre for teaching writing, the students will be more interested and easy to study.
Considering the characteristics and advantages of using animation movie as mentioned above, the researcher intends to make a research entitled “Improving Students’ Writing Skill of Narrative Text through Animation Movies at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 8 Bulukumba ”.
B.  Problem Statement                                  
Based on the background above the researcher formulates a research question as follow  “What are the effective ways in applying animation movie to improve the writing skill at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Bulukumba ?

C.  Objective of the Research
Based on the problem statement above, the main objective of this research is to find out the effective ways  in applying animation movie to improve the writing skill at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Bulukumba.

D.  Significance of the Research
The outcomes of the research are expect to give benefit for English teaching and learning especially to the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Bulukumba The significance of the research as follows:
1.    Theoretical significance
     To Increase and give motivation to the students in writing narrative text especially for senior high school.
2.    Practical significance
a.    To give more information for English teacher about the easy method or technique which be able used in teaching practice
b.    As a reference for observer in surveying about teaching and learning English problem and its problem solving in the school.
c.    For the curriculum designer, it expect to be a consideration in arranging a curriculum.
d.   For the next researcher, the result of this research expect to be useful information and to create another idea about the good technique to improve the writing skill.

E.  Scope of The Research                           
The scope of the research is restricted to discipline, content and activity.
1.    By discipline, this research is limite to the field of applied animation movie with the tittle is “The Little Mermaid”, especially in teaching writing.
2.    By content, based on the Competency Standard and Basic Competency of the tenth grade students, this research will focus teaching writing and will give narrative text as material.
3.    By activity, the researcher  will explain how to write through animation movie to the students.

This part deals with the previous research findings, some pertinent ideas; the concept of writing, narrative text, animation movie, and conceptual framework.
A.  Previous Research Findings
There were some researchers conducted researches related to the teaching of writing are:
1.    Asruni (2013:85) Using Animated Film to Improve The Second Year Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text at SMA Negeri 11 Makassar. Based on the result of this research, the researcher suggest that animated film should be used as an educational media in teaching writing especially in teaching writing text type. So, the students can write text more easily and more interested in writing activity.
2.    Rounded Rectangle: 6Ahmad Qomaruddin (2012:67) The Use of Cartoon Movies for Students’ Writing Skill of Narrative Text in Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Sultan Agung II Jepara in Academic Year of 2012/2013. The results of tests show that the students’ mean score in the writing narrative text of experimental class are 83.67 and the standard of deviation are 3.68. Meanwhile the students’ mean score in the writing narrative text of control class are 69.34 and the standard of deviation are 10.26. The calculation of t-test (to = 7.96>tt = 2.00), so the researcher concludes that in the level significance 0.05 and degree of freedom 72, there is a significant difference between the students’ writing skill of narrative text of the eleventh grade students of SMA Sultan Agung II Jepara in academic year 2012/2013 who are taught by using cartoon movies and those who are taught by using pictures.
3.    Nafik Fitriana (2010:101) The Use of Animation Movies to Improve Students’ Writing Skill of Narrative Text (an Action Research Conducted at The Eleventh Grade of SMAN 1 Teras in 2010/2011). The method used in this research was classroom action research, She finds that this research could improve students‟ writing skill and the class situation. It becomes one of appropriate ways in teaching writing.
4.    Tatum ariesya akmala (2011:64) The Use of Animated Film to Improve Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text (A Classroom Action Research at The 10th Grade of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Pemalang in The Academic Year of 2010/2011). The research was Classroom Action Research. The method of the research was descriptive quantitative. Data were obtained by giving test to the students of X.5 before and after the teacher using animated film. The instruments that were used to collect the data were test as a main instrument and observation checklist as second instrument. The test was used to know students’ ability in writing narrative text before and after the teacher implementing animated film namely Kung Fu Panda Holiday, Kung Fu Panda: The Secret of Furious Five Warrior, and Kung Fu Panda. Observation checklist was used to know the students’ activities during teaching and learning process.
Referring to the statement above, the researcher assumed that there were some methods or techniques used by the researchers to improve writing ability of the students. In this research, the researcher tried a technique to improve writing ability of the students is through animation movies.
B.  Some Pertinent Ideas
1.    The Concept of Writing
a.    Definition of Writing
There are several definitions of writing stated by some experts. According to Murcia (1991: 207), writing is an act of communication that requires an interaction process which takes place between the writer and reader via text. Writing is also a process of discovering and organizing your ideas, putting them on a paper, reshaping and revising them, stated by Palmer (1994: 5).
The next definition is given by Byrne (1997: 1). He states that writing is producing a sequence of sentences arranged in particular order and linked together in certain ways. A sequence of sentences whether it is short or long after being put in order and linked together, they will form a coherent whole. This coherent whole is called as text. A text may consist of one paragraph or more. Langan (2001: 5) points out that a paragraph is a short paper of around 150 to 200 words. It usually consists of an opening point called a topic sentence followed by a series of sentences which support that point.
Bell and Burnaby in Nunan (1989: 36) say that writing is an extremely complex cognitive activity in which the writer is required to demonstrate control of a number of variables simultaneously. At the sentence level these include control of content, format, sentence structure, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, and letter formation. Beyond the sentence, the writer must be able to structure and integrate information into cohesive and coherent paragraphs and texts. In writing, there are numbers of aspects that must be considered to make the information inside the paragraphs and text cohesive and coherent.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that writing is a complex activity of producing a sequence of sentences arranged in a particular order and linked together in certain ways that is cohesive and coherent to discover and organize ideas that requires communicative or interactive process between writer and reader so it is required the control of content, sentence structure (grammar), vocabulary, organization, and mechanics (punctuation, spelling, and letter formation). Skill is defined as the ability to do something well (Hornby, 2004: 1109). Students‟ writing ability refers to the student‟s competence in applying the components of writing including content, organization, vocabulary, language use (grammar), and mechanism (Jacob, 1981: 60).
To summarize, writing skill is the ability to discover and organize ideas into written form arranged in a particular order and linked together in certain ways by using appropriate conventions including content, organization, vocabulary, language use (grammar), and mechanics.
A writer must have adequate writing skills to create the magnificence writing products. Raimes (1983: 6) states that there are some elements of writing skills that writers have to deal with as they produce a piece of writing. They are the writing process, audience, purpose, word choice, organization, mechanics, grammar, syntax, and content.
b.   Types of Writing
According to Departmen Pendidikan Nasional (2003: 77) stated that there are some types writing are:
1)   Recount is writing has function to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. The generic structure of this text consists of orientation, events, and reorientation.
2)   Report, it functions to describe the way things are with reference to a range of natural, man-made and social phenomena in our environment. The generic structure of this text consists of general classification and description tells what the phenomena under discussion.
3)   Discussion, a text which purposes to present (at least) two points of view about an issue.
4)   Explanation, it has function to explain the process involved in the formation or workings of natural or socio cultural phenomena. The generic structures of this text are a general statement to position the reader and sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs.
5)   Exposition (analytical), it functions to persuade the reader or listener that something is the case. Its generic structures are thesis, arguments, and reiteration.
6)   Exposition (hortatory), its function is to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case. The generic structures of this text are thesis, arguments, and recommendation.
7)   News Item, a text functions to inform readers, listener, or viewers about events the day considered newsworthy or important. The generic structures are newsworthy events, background events, and sources.
8)   Anecdote is a text to share with others an account of an unusual or amusing incident. The generic structures are abstract, orientation, crisis, reaction, and coda.
9)   Narrative has function to amuse, entertain, and to deal, with actual or vicarious experiences in different ways. The generic structures consist of orientation, complication, resolution, and reorientation.
10)    Procedure is a text to describe how something accomplished through a sequence of action or steps. The generic structures contain goal, materials, and steps.
11)    Description is writing to describe a particular person, place, or thing. The generic structures are identification and description.
12)    Review is to critique an art work, event for a public audience. The generic structures are orientation, interpretative recount, evaluation and evaluation summation.
According to the types of writing above, the researcher chose narrative text as a learning material for teaching writing and it based on the syllabus of the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Bulukumba.
c.    The Component of Writing
There are five components in writing; they are content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics.
1)   Content
The first requirement of worthwhile content is unity. By unity, mean that every part of sentence contributed to the one principle, unifying thought. Furthermore, unity is the first quality of effective sentence. When we say that a sentence has unity, we mean that everything in it has a logical relation to purpose of the sentence as a whole and nothing is omitted which is necessary to that purpose.
2)   Organization
The process of organizing material in writing involves coherence, order of importance, general to specific, specific to general, chronological order, and spatial order.
a)   Coherence
A coherent paragraph is one in which the ideas are put in the right order is never confused. This makes the writer’s though easy to follow from sentences and paragraph

b)   Order of importance
One of the most useful ways of arranging ideas in a paragraph is in their order of importance. Technical speaking, such as a paragraph can be arranged in two ways: Beginning with the most important ideas and proceeding to the least important or by beginning by the least important. The disadvantage of the first pattern is that it is anticlimactic. There is a letdown after the opening sentence, and the paragraph dwindles. The advantage of building up is to remember best what they read last. The paragraph that concludes with a surprise, a clever moment, an appeal for action, or with other strong ending is more likely to be successful.
c)    General to specific
The general to specific pattern is the most common type of paragraph order. This arrangement begins with a topic sentence that makes a general statement followed by a series of supporting sentence with supply specific; details, example, and facts.
d)   Specific to general
In the general to specific pattern, the opening topic is followed by supporting sentences that are more specific. The specific to general pattern reverses this order. It presents a series of individual, specific facts, detail, impression or observation, and ends with a generalization or conclusion, usually the topic sentence.

e)    Spatial order
Spatial is usually if the purpose of the paragraph is to tell how something looks, the most effective organization pattern. By moving systematically rather than haphazardly over the scene, we convey the viewer the overall plan or arranged of the scene.
3)   Vocabulary
In descriptive writing, perhaps more than many other forms, effectiveness depends on the skillful use of words. To make other aware of what we have experienced and to communicate our impression to them, we must choose words that convey exactly what we mean. Consequently, we should have a vocabulary suitable for the subject, and knowledge of the denotation and connotation of the word we use.
4)   Language Use
Language use in writing description and other forms of writing involve correct usage and points of grammar. We should have learned how to use modifier and connective so that they add meaning and clarity to our writing.
5)   Mechanics
Punctuation and capitalization are two main parts of mechanic in writing. Punctuation is important as the way to clarify meaning. In English writing, capital letters have two principles. First, they are used to distinguish between particulars and things. Second, it is used as first words in quotations, a formal statement and proper adjectives.
d.   Forms of Writing
Forms of writing can be divided into three parts as follow:
1)   Sentence Form
A sentence is a basic and the smallest unit of written language that can stand alone. There are several kinds of sentences:
a)    Simple Sentences
A simple sentence consists of only one class or group of word with subject and predicate. It is the natural choice for plain statement of fact, simple assertion and definition.
b)   Complex Sentences
A complex sentences are one of that contains one or more dependent clause in addition to basic simple sentences; provide the best design for packaging complex thoughts.
c)    Compound Sentences
The complex sentences contain one simple sentence and more dependent clauses, and to compound sentence combine two or more simple sentences, connected with a coordinating conjunction or semicolon.
2)   Paragraph Form
Dumais in Syawal (1988:45) stated “A paragraph is a group of sentences which tell about bone topic or main idea”. A good expository paragraph consist as of a group of sentences aimed at the explaining the single idea.
3)   Composition
Composition as a piece of writing is made up of several paragraphs. The word composition is concerned with the “putting together” of part of form a whole: words into sentences, sentences into paragraph, longer units such as essay and narrative, this arrangement is essential to all artistic production and especially to writing.
Like a wise in writing composition there are three essential requirements, they are unity, coherence and emphasize. It means that every part or a sentence in composition must follow one other that makes their relationship clear. Emphasize means the most important part of sentences must be placed in the position.

2.    General Concept of Narrative Text
a.    Definition of Narrative
A narrative is a story; a narrative writing is writing that tells about a story. As Langan (2003: 195) defined that narration is storytelling, whether we are relating  a singel story or several related ones. We use narrative writing when we tell a friend about something interesting that happened to you at work or in school, when you tell someone a joke, or if you write about the events of the day in the privacy of a diary or journal.
Drajati (2009) states that narrative is text that tells about a sequence of event. There are two kinds of narrative, short story and autobiography / recount.
Meyers (2005) defines that naration is telling story which tell about an event. It should be detailed and clear with events arranged in the order  in which they happened or in some other effective way.
Parera (1993:5) had opinion that a narrative was one of the forms of developing writing, for example characters told the history of something based of on development of writing from time to time.
Pardiyono (2007) defines that narrative is a text which tell activity or event in the past time which show problematic experience and resolution to amuse and give moral value to the reader.
From statement  above, it can conclude that narrative text is a text which tells a story of an event and usuallyarrangedin a chronological order, in the order in which they occured in time.
b.    Generic Structure of Narrative
A narrative text consists of the following structure:
a.    Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place
b.    Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with
c.    Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worse
c.    Language Features of Narrative
1.       Using processes verbs
  1. Using temporal conjunction
  2. Using Simple Past Tense
d.    Example and structures of the text 
Snow White
Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt and Uncle because her parents were dead.
Complication 1
One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White.
Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
Complication 2
 Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.

 Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, “what is your name?” Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.”
Doc, one of the dwarfs,  said, “If you wish, you may live here with us.”  Snow White said, “Oh could I? Thank you.” Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.

3.      Animation Movie
A movie is one of the visual aids that can be used in a writing class. It makes lessons more fun. It can also be used to create situation for writing classes more clearly, that the students have big enthusiasm in teaching learning process in writing class (Harmer, 2001: 282).
Definition of animation movie stated in Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia (2009) is a movie consisting of a series of drawn, painted, or modeled scenes produced by computer techniques or the image produced. The motion pictures created by recording a series of still images drawings, objects, or people in various positions of incremental movement that when played back no longer appear individually as static images but combine to produce the illusion of unbroken motion. It usually consists of a series of drawings or photographs on paper that are viewed with a mechanical device or by flipping through a hand-held.
Animation movie is interested for students from kindergarten to senior high school. It can amuse the viewer, because animation movie grow along period of time. Movie maker made it more innovative, fun and not monotones. There are many opinions about animation movie. Poulson says that animation is a form of media where, using animation, characters are shown with simplified features, but still maintaining an ability to recognize.
a.    Animation Movie as Teaching Media
Wittich and Schuller give their opinion about the advantages of using media in teaching and learning process. It can be seen in their statement “When more information is communicated by learning media, teacher can give more attention to the uniquely human aspect of education, understanding the need of individual students, helping them to set and realize goals and stimulating them to use the information available from educational media (1979: 2).” The statement above means that media plays an important role as teaching aids to achieve the teaching learning goals.
Katchen says that video film as teaching media is quite beneficial for learners and teachers as long as they are considered only as mere entertainment, but carefully chosen films can be a useful and extremely motivational teaching tool for both practicing listening skills and stimulating speaking and writing (2002).
The teacher should select the appropriate media as teaching aids by considering some factors. Morgan and Bowen (1982: 3), give six considerations for selecting the media, they are:
a.       The purpose of the lesson in relation to the scheme of work and the syllabus.
b.      The scientific objective of the lesson.
c.       The characteristics of the class members (age, sex, educational background, and the reason for learning the language).
d.      Communication problems which may affect the lesson (hesitation and withdrawal caused by shyness, anxiety, or difficulties in relationship within the group).
e.       The design of the lesson (lesson plan).
f.       The available resources (visual and audio).
Generally, the kinds of media in the classroom are divided into three kinds: visual aids, audio aids, and audio visual aids. The teaching aid used by the writer in the research is animation movie that belongs to audiovisual aids.
C.  Conceptual Framework
At this part the writer will make oral material more specific in vocabulary.
Rounded Rectangle: Writing MaterialOval: Teaching NarrativeThe copceptual framework of the research is illustrated as follows:


Writing material                      : The teacher will give material of narrative to the students.
The use of media                     : The teacher will use animation movie in teaching with the tittle is “The Little Mermaid”.
The students’ achievement     : It refers to writing achievement after using animation movies, their achievement will be calculating and determing the effectiveness of animation movies.
Next cycle                               : Here, researcher will improve the weakness from cycle one include planning, action, observation and reflection.

                                             RESEARCH METHOD
This part deals with the previous research design, research subject, research variable and indicator, research instrument,indicator of successfulness research procedure, tehnique of collecting data,  and data analyses.          
A.  Research Design
This research will use classroom action research (CAR) that consist of planning, action, observation and reflecting. It is conduct in two or more cycles each cycle comprises two meetings. Cycle one is to observe the students’ skill in writing by animation movie. After finding the result of cycle one, the researcher will continue to the second cycle to improved the prior cycle.

B.  Research Subject
Research subject in this classroom action research is the tenth grade students X MIA 1 of SMA Negeri 8 Bulukumba consist of 36 students.
C.  Research Variable and Indicator
1.    Independent variable
The independent variable is the implementation of animation movie. This media will use by the teacher to teach students how to arrangement narrative text into good sequence.
2.    Dependent variable
Rounded Rectangle: 23The dependent variable is improving students’ writing skill.
3.    Indicators
The indicators of this research will use to measure the variables. Those variables are content and organization.
D.  Definition of Terms
The following are some definitions in terms of the study. The definition is to make a better understanding, about the study:
1.   Writing as one of the English skills is a way to communicate with other people although in written form.
2.   Harmer (2001: 282) defines animation movie is series of images that are projected into a screen to create the illusion of motion in form of animation.
3.   A narrative is a story; a narrative writing is writing that tells about a story.
A narrative text consists of the following structure:
b.    Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place
c.    Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with
d.   Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worse
4.   Animation is a visual technique that provides the illusion of motion by displaying a collection of images in rapid sequence.

E.  Research Instrument
In this section, the research will use two instruments for collecting data:            
1.    Observation Sheet
It will use to observe the students’ activities during the teaching and learning process for each cycle.
2.    Test
It is designed to measure the students’ writing skill in each cycle. The researcher will use animation movie with the tittle is “The Little Mermaid” and to measure the students’ writing skill the researcher will give a worksheet to every students and then students write narrative text based on the movie.
F.   Indicator of Successfulness
The Indicator of successfulness in this research are:
1)   If the mean score of the students could be improved from cycle I to cycle II. At least the students’ mean score is 75 (Minimum Criteria of Achievement) or their mean score is over 75.
2)    If the students’ participation, interest, and motivation were more increased.
G.    Research Procedure
This Classroom Action Research will apply into three cycles, every cycle will present into two meetings. The second cycle based on the first cycle. It means that the activity of the second cycle will continue and repaired based on the reflection the first cycle. In every cycle will divided into four steps. There are planning, action, observation, and reflection. It is illustrate in the following scheme:


                                                   Source: Model Kemmis & Mc Taggart (Sukidin, 2002:49)
Cycle I
1.    Planning
This step is done with the following procedure:
a.    Analyze curriculum applied at SMA Negeri 8 Bulukumba
b.    Made and developed a lesson plan that will implement during learning and teaching process.
c.    Prepare sources of learning.
d.   Prepare media.
e.    Made sheet of observation for observer to observe activities of the students during learning process.
f.     Develope test task to evaluate learning result of the students.
2.    Action
The procedures in action are:
a.    Conduct a teaching and learning process based on the lesson plan that will made. Its integration between lesson material and practice. In this stage, the researcher delivered a material.
b.    Teach writing through animation movies. The researcher explained the steps in writing narrative text through animation movie.
c.    The researcher will give a worksheet to every students and then students wrote narrative text based on the movie.
d.   The researcher will check what the students write
3.    Observation
In this step, the researcher will observe and made note all activity during learning and teaching process. And then made a note in all activity of the students based on the revision and evaluation in the first cycle.
4.    Reflection
The procedures in reflecting stage are:
a.    The result of monitoring will collect and then analyzed by the researcher.
b.    Discussed and evaluated the result of monitoring with the observer to know and considered effect of the action.
c.    Revised the implementation of acting based on the result of evaluation. The result of the reflection is revised for the next cycle.

Cycle II
            In the second cycle, all activity is same generally with activity in the first cycle. This cycle will continue from cycle one. Here, researcher will improve the weakness from cycle one include planning, action, observation and reflection.

H.  Technique of Collecting Data
            The data gained from cycle I and cycle II. It will analyzed through the following steps:
1.    Observation
Observation aimed to collect data about the students’ participation in learning process during the implementation of Collaborative Writing. It will use to find out the improvement during action step in each cycle. The process of the observation dealing with :
a.    Observation toward the students’ activeness
b.    Observation toward the teacher’s way of teaching.
2.    Test
There are two components that is concern in this research to measure the student’s writing skill:
a.    The assesment of the student’s writing skill for the content’s component.
Indicators of Content

·      Each paragraph and the writing as a whole are primarily focused on the main idea.
·       Show a clear understanding of writing, topic, and main idea development.
·      Each paragraph and the writing as a whole are enough focused on the main idea.
·      Shows a good understanding of writing, topic, and main idea development.
·      Each paragraph and the writing as a whole are minimally focused on the main idea.
·      Show some understanding of writing, topic and main idea, less development.
·      Each paragraph and/or the writing as a whole lack focus.
·      Shows little evidence of discourse understanding.
·      No complete sentences are written
·      No evidence of concept of writing
                                                                                       (Harmer, Jeremy 1987:336)
b.    The assesment of student’s writing skill for the organization’s component.

Indicators of Organization
Classification of ability

The organization of contents and arrangement the generic structure is clearly and uses effective connectives to help the story to progress.

The ornganization of contents, arrangement the generic structure is loosely orgabized but main idea stand out and many link ideas and events by using connective words and/or phrases.

The ornganization of contents, arrangement the generic structure is confused or disconnected and some evidence of time order.

Writing is not good organized and arrangement the generic structure is not complete  and confused.

Very Poor
·      Writing is no organization of the contents, arrangement of generic structure does not communicate and not easy to follow.
I.     Data Analysis
            In this research, the researcher will use some patterns/formulates to find out the score of the students and also to find out the improvement of the students writing skills.
a.    Calculating the mean score of the student’s writing test by using the following formula:
Where :
                                                     = Mean Score      
                                                    = The number of students
                                                                                                (Gay, 1981: 298)
b.    Computing the frequency and rate percentage of the student’s score:
Where :                        P          : Rate Percentage
                                                F          : Frequency of the correct answer
                                                N         : The total number of students
                                                                                               (Gay, 1981: 298)
c.    Calculating the developmentof the student’s writing skill in percent, the researcher will use the following formula:
Where :
                        P          = Percentage of the students
                        X1       = The first mean score of cycle I
                        X2       = The second mean score of cycle II
d.   To classifity the student’s score, there are five classifications which will use as follow:
90 – 100
80 – 89
70 – 79
60 – 69
Very poor
0  – 59
(Depdikbud, 2004)


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